NJQRP home


> Club Communications

Between meetings, communications between NJQRP Club members is done primarily using the NJQRP Yahoo! Group.

> Yahoo! Groups

Yahoo! Groups is a feature provided by Yahoo! Inc. which allows groups of people to exchange email and share information on the web. Yahoo! Groups is free, secure and spam resistant. Click here to get more information about how Yahoo! Groups works.

> NJQRP Group

The NJQRP Yahoo! Group is open to anyone wishing to participate in QRP or other topics related to ham radio. You need not be a licensed amateur radio operator, nor a resident of New Jersey - the only requirement is that you have an interest in ham radio and/or the homebrewing (building) of ham equipment. The Group is moderated and persons abusing common decency guidelines for discussion will be unceremoniously dropped from the group.

> Sign Up

All you need to do to join us is "Sign Up" for a Yahoo! ID (or "Sign In" if you already have one) at Yahoo!.com and then go to Yahoo! Groups which allows you to join one or more groups. Just enter "NJQRP" into the "Find a Yahoo! Group" box and click "Search". Then click on "NJQRP" and you should see a link to "Join This Group!". Follow those instructions, and you're in! You can elect to receive individual email messages, a daily digest, or no email at all (you can just read the mail and other info on the site). There are sections for email (Messages), Files, Photos and lots of other stuff that we share!

Alternately, you can enter your email address in the form below and receive instructions via email:

Subscribe to njqrp
Powered by groups.yahoo.com

> Welcome aboard!

Last updated: December 16, 2007