Spring QRP Homebrewer Sprint

A certificate for all participants is now available for viewing, downloading and printing.  
Click on your callsign link in the Results Listing below. 
(You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and/or print your color PDF format certificate.  
If you do not have this common application, visit www.adobe.com for a free download.)

Hi Sprinters!

Thanks to all who enjoyed the Spring QRP Homebrewer Sprint on March 26, 2001.  (See full description here.)

1st Place winner K5ZTY received a PSK80 Warbler kit.  Congratulations to Bill for an outstanding operation!  

Runner-up winners K7RE, N9NE and AK7Y received 1-yr subscriptions to QRP Homebrewer.

Notable contestants W2AGN, W0PWE and WU0L received QRP Homebrewing Starter Kit 

Look for another running of this fun sprint on Sept 24 0000-0400 UTC. 

Hope to hear you then!

72 de Ken - N2CQ

(Click on callsign to view certificate)
                    QSO SPC  PWR   FINAL


K5ZTY    CW    128  512  73   7  261,632
K7RE     CW    100  400  60   7  168,000
WQ2RP    CW    100  374  64   7  167,522   N2CQ OPR.
AK7Y     CW    105  382  61   7  163,114
N9NE     CW     96  384  55   7  147,840
W2AGN   MIXED   74  301  51   7  107,457
W0PWE   MIXED   63  256  40  10  102,400
WU0L     CW     75  300  48   7  100,800
N0RC     CW     71  284  48   7   95,424     
W0RSP    CW     65  260  41   7   74,620
W1HUE    CW     51  204  34  10   69,360
AD4J     CW     46  184  33  10   60,720
N3AO     CW     47  188  32  10   60,160
W0UFO   MIXED   56  226  38   7   60,116
KC2AFK   CW     47  188  32   7   42,112
K1TS     CW     28  112  20   7   15,680
W1PID    CW     26   96  19   7   12,768
AB0GO    CW     21   96  14   7    9,408
N0MCX    CW     21   72  18   7    9,072
AB5XQ    CW     19   76  16   7    8,512
K8KFJ    CW     29   58  20   7    8,120
N1BQ     PSK    18   90  12   7    7,560
W4NJK    CW     18   72  14   7    7,056
KM5VY    CW     16   64  15   7    6,720
VE3SMA   CW     11   44   9  15    5,940
N5OBC    PSK    11   55  10  10    5,500
KR4IP    PSK    13   65  12   7    5,460
N0HRL    CW     16   64  12   7    5,376
K3NLT    CW     13   52  10  10    5,200
WA5BDU   CW     15   60  11   7    4,620
K7GT     CW     16   64  10   7    4,480
N0OCT/8  CW     12   48   9  10    4,320
NA3V     CW     14   56  11   7    4,312
N7CEE    CW     11   44   9  10    3,960
AE5K     PSK    10   50   9   7    3,150
KG4FSN   CW      4   16   4   7      448 
NU3E     PSK     3   15   3   7      315
KH6B     CW      2    8   2   7      112
W6ZZZ    PSK     0    0   0   7        0


Rig=Homebrew Elecraft K1 W/KAT1 installed @ 5 Watts
Ant= Attic dipole cut for 20/40 meters

This was a great test of my K1, first contest event since I installed the
KAT1.  I did not get to operate the entire contest, but still had a ball. 
Highlight was working G3IGW at 5 W on my Attic Dipole,  He was QRO!  Thanks
for sponsoring a great contest, looking forward to the next one.

72 de Bill, AB5XQ
Rigs: DSW-20, DSW-40
Antennas: 66' doublet, 33' doublet (perpendicular to 66 footer) both fed with
 300 ohm twinlead, tuned with Emtech ZM-2 and MFJ-949E
This was my first Homebrewer Sprint. Four hours is just the right length.
W9JOP/4 had a very nice signal for 350 mW as did WD3P with 500 mW.
Having perpendicular antennas on 20 meters was very helpful in making the
marginal QSOs. It was good to hear W0RSP on giving out South Dakota QSOs.

Jim, AD4J
Band: 80 Meters (ONLY), Mode: PSK31 (ONLY),  Equipment: Warbler.
Antenna: Radio Works Carolina Beam 80 (wire ant.), Output power: 2 watts

First QRP contest for me, heard several 1's and 2's but
QRM and band conditions did not allow contact.  Think
most of us had a tendency to exchange more than required
information in our QSO's (speaks of the spirit of QRP
and PSK31, not good for scores).  At least half stations
worked were using Warblers, plus several more heard but not
worked.  Looking forward to the next one!  --
AE5K (Don) in the boondocks of the northern Arkansas Ozarks
                      (12 miles south of Yellville, AR).
Used my new K1 (#605) running into a loop antenna for both 20 and 40 meters. 
Seemed to work pretty well. Next contest I need to spend more time in the
Thanks for a fun event!

Marc, K1TS
Transceiver: Elecraft K2 <5W   Antenna: Yagi and G5RV

Worked many stations on multiple bands. Good conditions and lots of
 players. Good contest. Thanks to Ken and the  NJ club for putting
 this one on. I'm looking forward to doing this one agn.
Bill, K5ZTY
Cedar Mesa UT.    Elecraft K1.
Not too bad for coming in very late...

73  Allan  K7GT
Elecraft K2 at 5 Watts

What a blast.  Band conditions were really excellant.
I wish that I had entered into the 1W class, as there were plenty
of nice strong under-5W stations worked. High points were being
called by RA3ID, DL1CC, and KH6U. If I had more time, I would have
tried PSK-31 as well, but a week full of my wife's Spring Break
Honey DO's made this old body somewhat less contest compliant
than usual. Thanks to Ken and the fine folks at the NJ club for
putting on this very fine event.

Brian, K7RE
Emtech NW 8020 running 4 watts. Antenna: Dipole in my attic.
This was my first contest. Next time will be better.

Juan - KG4FSN
Equipment: K2 with internal battery and Hy-Gain 14AVQ trap vertical antenna.
Got in the event at the tail-end. Almost forgot the thing entirely.

Dean,  KH6B
QTH: Tijeras, NM,  Rig: K2 #398, Power = 4W, Ant = random wire
Fun contest!  Thanks

Tom,  KM5VY
ANTENNA :     80 Meter Dipole UP 60 Feet

Keith, KR4IP                     COVINGTON GA
K1 20m/40m running 5W to attic dipole.

First attempt at a sprint, lots of fun.  Highlights were
working K5ZTY on two bands within just a few contacts, and
copying W9JOP/4 at 350mW from VA.  Nice to hear lots of calls
that I have seen on the e-mail list.

Ken, N0HRL                 Plymouth, MN
This event was great fun, a classic QRP blast.  I was operating from
my car parked on my favorite local hilltop, at Loretto Heights Park
in southwest Denver. I started out on 20m CW with the SST, and
later on switched to 40m CW with the 706.  Antennas were mobile
whips on the Jeep hood.
Many thanks to K5SA for putting up with my incomprehensible attempts at
sending "559-CO-4W" while fixing a loose key cable, to the NJQRP outfit
for putting together a fine event, and to everybody who played! I'm
looking forward to next time....

73/72 es CUL,  Tom - N0MCX
I was on vacation with my family, on our way to Washington, DC
for Spring Break.  I was operating /8 from Martinsburg, WV, with 20'
of wire sticking out of the 2nd storey window on the west side of the hotel. 
Not ideal.  Rig was NC-20 running 0.95W, which was the first contest
for this rig, as I just finished building it [okay, so I'm slow].

73, Jim NĜOCT
Rig: K2 #286 @ 5W        Ant: Attic Dipole @ 20ft

Had a great time, hope you we do it again next year!

73, Rod N0RC                                Fort Collins, CO
NJQRP Warbler running 2 watts to G5RV. IBM Thinkpad 365XD Digipan 1.5
One band only  80m PSK

N1BQ, Brian
K2 at 1 Watt.  5-Element tri-band beam  & Windom at 38 feet.

It sure was fun! Next time I'll try for the whole 4 hours...

Carter  N3AO
Power: 900 milliwatts    Station: Elecraft K2, 40 meter horizontal loop up
50 feet.

I was only able to operate the first hour but had a good time. The K2 mojo
seemed to be working overtime, as I worked every station I called, but one,
even at 900 mW. Thanks to Ken and George for putting this one together.

73, Bruce  - N7CEE                  Flagstaff, AZ
Elecraft K2 #1429,  triband beam at 60 ft.; 18AVT vertical; 80 meter zepp.

This was my first NJ Sprint, and I thoroughly enjoyed it!
 Lots of good QRP operators out there. After 43 years of hamming,
 thought I knew Z time but miscalculated and started almost an hour late.
CU next test!

73, TODD,  N9NE                               OSHKOSH, WI
NJQRP Warbler kit @ 3 Watts, homebrew 6-band trap dipole in attic

I got busy and didn't remember the contest until after 10 PM.  But I enjoyed
the short time I was on.

73,   John NU3E
Manhattan built single band transceivers for 40 and 20M.
Warbler for 80M PSK. Trap dipole for 40 and 80M,
open sleeve dipole on 20M. Qrpdupe logging.

Thanks NJQRP for sponsoring a fun contest. Always nice to hear
so many homebrew signals on the bands.

 Jerry,  W0PWE           Johnston, IA
Transceiver:  K2 built from a kit.
Antennas:  GAP Voyager vertical and 450-ft long wire.
Keyer:  Super CMOS III built from a kit.

It's great to have a CQ answered by a JA when you're only running 900 mW! :)

Larry, W1HUE                       Idaho Falls, ID   
Equip:  DSW-20, DSW-40, FT-817 (on 80 and 15 meters)

W1PID, Jim                 Sanbornton, NH
HB Transceiver(s) Mode:CW/PSK31 Power: 5 W

This was a fun contest. Worked N2APB for first time. Could have
wished more PSK31 activity.
Did give me a chance to try out my "Warbler" but only 5 QSOs. Concentrated on
CW. Some unbelievable QRPp signals!

John, W2AGN                          Vineland, NJ
Station  K1 40/20 @5W/3W, Whiterook paddlette, on lead acid battery
(  this is my traveling station except I throw up a 20M dipole)
ANT 15M half square at 25 feet

My first entry with a transceiver I actually built and what a blast!
Lots of  stations heard but condx on 20 went out then back in the
last  hour. My received RST reports varied from 579 to 339 and 519...
TNX to WQ2RP for  hearing me as next to last contact. Next year I will use
two different antennas and probably try 1  Watt. I was impressed with several
I heard especially W0PWE at 900MW and  K0FRP at 1W, so I know it can be
done. Thanks to NJQRP and the organizers for a great idea and  event.

 73,72 Charlie W4NJK                                 Los Altos, CA
Equipment is a Warbler with a homebrew 80m dipole antenna.

Due to other constraints I was only able to operate for a short time from
3:30-4:00 z.
I like the idea of this sort of QRP homebrew contest.
FYI - this sprint is rather early in the day for good propagation
for us West Coast Warbler (80m) folks. I'm not complaining, just bringing
up a fact.

Marc, W6ZZZ
2N2/40 to 180 foot dipole fed with 450 ohm ladder line via a Johnson Matchbox.

Enjoyed the contest.  Worked more than I expected to, just fooling around.
 Only have a decent homebrew rig for one band at the present.  Band
conditions (40 meters) were good.

72 & Tnx--Nick, WA5BDU
My rig is a home designed, scratch built 2 band transceiver. 
It operates on 20M and 40M..  Features 10.5 MHz IF and crystal
filters, KC-1 for keyer and audio frequency annunciation,
SWR bridge, Vackar vfo, and IRF510 PA. 
My antenna is a GAP vertical ground mounted.

WU0L----Mark                         Golden, Colorado
 Homebrew direct conversion tranceiver using one transistor, one
voltage regulator IC and 7 CMOS digital chips, homebrew keyer
(bigger than rig!), vertical antenna. 150 mW out.

Many thanks to all who strained to copy my weak signal,
especially to KA3WTF who never quite got everything
through the QRM despite a most valient struggle.
Operated only about half the Sprint but enjoyed and picked
up two new states (NJ,CO) at the 150 mW level.

VE3SMA, Mark                         Cambridge, Ontario
40m OHR 100 &  80m Emtech NW80 at 5W out. Ant 130' doublet.

I dusted off two old rigs I haven't used in a year.  Forgot how well
they worked!  Spent a little over an hour in the contest.  Very nice
and lots more activity than I expected.

Jim, NA3V
Equipment: Elecraft K2
This is my first participation in one of the Sprints, found it fun.
The only problrm was that not everyone was aware of the Sprint
and I ended up with a ragchew.  Ragchewing is more what I enjoy
the most, so I was easily distracted.  Also did not have full time
available.  Will hope to set aside more time for the next one.

73 de Russ K3NLT
MS-15, NC-20, NC-40 @ 5w & PSK-80 @ 3w.  TA-33 @ 45', 120' ZEPP.

Thanks to all for the fun!

Mert W0UFO                             St. Paul, MN
Both rigs are homebrew original designs built way back when.
20m D.C. Xcvr,  2N5913 final, 1.8w output.
40m D.C. Xcvr, "420XC" (CQ, Oct, 1978) 2N5590 final, 5W output.
G5RV antenna up 48ft

This was a great SPRINT!  Maybe the best so far!  QRN was
a pain on 40 but managed to copy everyone eventually.
Operating with the D.C. xcvrs reminded me of how easy it is
these days with superhets and sharp filters!

72, Ade - W0RSP
15m Index Labs QRP++, 20/40m Elecraft K1 (5 Watts),
KLM Tribander @ 22', Butternut Vertical roof mounted, WM-2 Power Meter

AK7Y, Greg                               Alpine, AZ
K-1 40/20 & Knwd TS850 80/15 (5 Watts).
Center fed Zepp. TA33jr Tribander @ 40'

Many thanks for the excellent support for the Sprint
from you all. Great to QSO all those Milliwatters
with HB gear. Hope you all enjoyed it as I did.

72 de Ken N2CQ (WQ2RP Opr.)


Last Modified: August 28, 2001