Honor Roll 

The official list of pending orders for Build #4


This plaque represents the "Honor Roll" of the New Jersey QRP Club.  The names inscribed on the individual plates remind us of the many volunteer club members who have helped the club in one or more of its many functions over the years -- kitting, field operations, Atlanticon, the QRP Homebrewer publication, and more.


This NJQRP Honor Roll was unveiled and presented to the club membership at large during the Atlanticon 2001 QRP Forum.


To each member of the Honor Roll ... Thank You!  


(Since it is difficult to see the individual plate inscriptions in the photo, the text representations are shown below the photo.)





Dave Maliniak, AD2A

Atlanticon Staff, Field Day

Dean Marzocca, N2TNN

Atlanticon Staff, Field Day

Michael Bower, N4NMR

Atlanticon Staff

Ed Lyon, N4LRR

Atlanticon Staff

Chuck Wolf, KB2SYB

Atlanticon Staff

Howard Weinstein, K3HW

Atlanticon Staff, TT2 Kits

John Cawthorne, KB3ESS

Enclosure Kits

David Porter, AA3UR

Enclosure Kits, 4017 Kit

Ed Roswell, K2MGM

Enclosure Kits, 4017 Kit , Field Day

Allan Owen, WA3OWT

4017 Kit, Warbler Kit

MIke Korejwo

4017 Kit

Tony Colagouri, W2GUM

Gizmos, Field Day

Dave Ottenberg, WA2DJN

QHB articles, Field Day

Ken Newman, N2CQ

Contesting chairman, FB40 Kit, Amp Kit, Keyer Kit, Warbler KIt, Labels

Herb Schuler, K2HPV

FB40 Kit, Amp Kit, Keyer Kit, TT2 Kit, Warbler Kit

Gene Schoeberlein  AA2YO

FB40 Kit, Amp Kit, Keyer Kit, TT2 Kit, Warbler Kit

Dave Benson, NN1G

Warbler Designer, Atlanticon Speaker, technical advisor

Vince Passione, WA2ECP

Membership Chairman, Roster Maintenance, Paddle Kit, Enclosure Kit

Jeff Davis, N9AVG

Email archives

 Fran Everhart, N2CX-yl

Order entry

Bill Creekmore, W2DP

Rainbow Tuner Manual editor, Field Day, kitting


James Bennett, KA5DVT

Kitting, meeting locations, west coast parts


Bob Applegate, K2UT

NJQRP web server host and benefactor


Joe Everhart, N2CX

Club leader, kits designer & captain, Atlanticon speaker, technical advisor

George Heron, N2APB

Club leader, webmaster, promotion, kit captain, QHB editor




Last Modified:  March 26, 2001

Last Modified:  March 26, 2001