NJQRP "Website-on-CDROM" 

A full collection of project & kit documentation, meeting photos, recaps of field outings, QHB Extra photos & graphics, and lots of reference material ... everything that's been published on the NJQRP website over the last 7 years!

Version 1 contains all content up to March 20, 2003


The NJQRP Website-on-CDROM is a collection of all material ever published on the NJQRP website over its seven years of existence.

The CD-ROM contains all the photos & recaps of the club meetings, all the projects and all the technical items ever posted to our website over the years. We only keep the most relevant and timely information on the website itself in order to conserve precious disk space ... but since your Friendly Webmaster (that's me!) has everything saved here on a local system, we're able to provide this 500 megabytes of photos, articles, project descriptions, schematics, pcb layouts and many other types of reference material all on this CD_ROM. 

You'll also see the photos and recaps from many our past outings (Field Days, QTTF's, QRP Afields, ARRL HQ visits), all of the color photos and graphic material from QRP Homebrewer magazine, all our kit manuals and details from other experimental projects we've done over the years. This collection of material is really quite amazing!

Why pay for something that's already available on the website?  We'll if you're anything like me (and have a slow dial-up connection like me), having all this QRP information available 'instantaneously' is a great time saver. I can't tell you how many photos of QRPers and projects we've collected over the years, and most of it is of good interest even if you're not in the NJQRP or if you don't attend its meetings. Browsing through all these images is a breeze with it available right there in your CD drive. 

Another benefit ... you have it available 'all the time'.  If you travel with your laptop, or if the kids are surfing Barney.com, you can still access the articles, schematics, software listings, diagrams, and descriptions of your favorite projects.

Yet another benefit ... Again, we cannot literally save everything done over the years online, but we can make it all available on CD-ROM for everyone.  You don't miss out on anything.

And finally ... Extra material is provided on the CD-ROM -- extra large manuals, full software archives, and more.

Nearly all the KIT and PROJECT documentation (manuals, photos, write-ups, articles) are there too ...

The KITS on the CD-ROM include ... Sniffer, Antenna Analyzer - II, QuickieLab, I/O Extender (IOX), Serial CW Sender, Precision Variable Crystal Oscillator (PVXO), HC908 Daughtercard, "Badger" SmartBadge, SOP Receiver, Islander Pad Cutter, Tip Tapper Iambic Paddle, PSK31 Audio Beacon Kit, Halfer Antenna, PSK-80 Warbler, Atlanticon Proceedings, W1CG Low Power Balun, Rainbow Tuner & SWR Bridge, Manhattan Homebrewing Starter Kit, PSK-20 Specialty Parts, Scott Sled Kite, 4017 Transverter, Islander Audio Amp Kit,
80 Meter Squirt Antenna, SMK-1 Enclosure, Tuna Tin 2 Transmitter, SNAP Transmitter, and the Fireball 40 QRPp Transmitter.

The PROJECTS on the CD-ROM include ... Digital QRP Breadboard, Tuna Tin 2, Herring Aid 5, Build the KA5DVS "PAC-12" Antenna, Build a Logging Frequency Counter, Antenna Analyzer I, Simple Regen Receiver, Portable PSK, Summary of Sierra Mods, Pixie-II, MicroBeacon, Homebrew Kites, DDS VFO with AD9850 + PIC16C84, Cigarette Lighter RF Probe, NN1G Transceiver Construction Notes, Antenna Musings, QRPpaddles, NorCal / K8FF Paddles, Phase Processing the R2/T2 with a DSP, N2APB Z-Match, Coherent CW, Delta Loop Performance, The Perfect QRP Enclosures, and The QRP-40.

Gee, we've been busy over the last seven years!  And many of you have been playing right along with us.
And there's so much more too ... 5 years of Atlanticon fun, photos, speakers & projects.  Summary of all issues of QRP Homebrewer magazine AND the complete set of QHB Extra photos of all the color graphics ever put in the magazine, reference articles, maps, QRP frequencies, the QRP Links page (I use this one every single day) ... the list goes on and on.
Anyway, we just wanted to give you a flavor of what's on this little gem and the value you could find in using it.

This item is no longer available.

This item is no longer available.

This kit is no longer available.


Last Modified:  January 13, 2004