SNAP Stories

I always say, if everything worked right off with no problems, you would never learn anything.  Well, I'm always learning, I guess! No output with the SNAP at first...tried a different crystal, then got 3rd overtone output...huhhh? Someone posted something about 35 turns on the coil...what 35 turns, I don't remember any 35 turns.  Sure enough, I had put 17 turns (where did that come from?!?) on L1.   Rewound it to 35 turns, put in original ctystal, wow, running 28 mW, on the right frequency, too! And in the prettiest little mini-Altoids tin to boot! See y'all at Atlanticon.

    Ed, K2MGM

Worked WA3RLT tonite with my little 12 mw SNAP - a distance of about 50 miles, maybe more. Wonder what the miles per watt would be with this contact??? Ben was running QRO, and was about 579 here. He gave me a 119 report! Get your "SNAPS" built, fellows and gals - it's a lot of fun! (Used my DSW 80 as the receiverfor this QSO.)

    73 de Lamar, N3AT

The Carbon Amateur Radio Club performed an interesting experiment on Mar 1, after its weekly net. Several of the club members listened for my little "Snap" transmitter, while I sent a series of V's and then my call letters. It was heard in Lehighton, Lansford, and Weatherly, in spite of some QRM that was on the frequency. Prior to this experiment I had measured the output on the OHR  WM 1, and it indicated that  it was producing about 12 milliwatts! Nothing world shaking, but it does  work!

    72 de Lamar, N3AT

I built up my Atlanticon SNAP QRPp Transmitter this evening. I used all stock components except for a larger wattage R3 (No magic here, I dropped the original under the work bench). Output looks like about 14.6 mW. Interesting observation to watch the power level rise over the first minute or so. I guess even solid state stuff has to "warm up".  C'mon guys...melt some solder and post your milliwatts.

    73, Skip N2EI

OK, I finally got the SNAP in a box with antenna connector and key jack. Loads up the 80 meter loop quite well. Am using the Sierra as a hearing aid, so who wants to meet on 3.579?  Dave?, Lamar? Anybody?

    72/73 de Bob W3BBO

Just got my SNAP done,... Fired right up and looks like abt 22mW. Right on freq too. Hooked on the antenna ( 40m ) and nothing. ohoh, thats right, not a match, so a little ZM-2 and it's back on the air. Robert... you out there now???  try at 1530 EST I'll been on for abt 15mins.

    all best, Tom aa2vk

Hey you guys are *great*!!  The SNAP wasn't originally intended for actual contacts on the air, or at least not at first.  Our first goal was to provide a Manhattan-style kit that one could play with to get built as pretty as possible and get as much power out as possible.  THEN, after Atlanticon, with some extra add-on circuits we will point out there, guys would put this thing on the air.   Pretty cool!

Ahem ... did anyone notice that you could pump the output of the SNAP into the INPUT of the FB40 Amp pcb to get a nice 1.5W amplifier on the SNAP signal?   Would take a few component changes in the output filter (to take it ffrom the native 40m down to 80m), but those component recommendations are right in the Amp manual.   Just an idea or two ;-)

    73, George N2APB

I finished up my SNAP last night. With parts supplied and different batteries I'm getting ~16-19mW out. What is, or how do I calculate, the theoretical max? I went for a very compact construction and got it crammed onto about 2/3 of the board provided, using only seven pads. Now that I see it complete, I think I could get it into 1/2 or a bit less of the board provided.

FWIW: This kit got me interested in Manhattan Construction. In fact I went out yesterday & bought a "pad punch" at Harbor Freight. Now I'm looking for a good "next project", with a little more complexity. I'm thinking about Dave Fifield's TT2/MRX combo. Other suggestions? I'd really like something for 20 or 30 meters.

    72/3 Rod, N0RC -- Fort Collins, CO

It was my first Manhattan, I had a great time. This was worth the registration price of Atlanticon alone. Good work. See you at Atlanticon 2k

    best, Tom aa2vk

This was my first-ever attempt at Manhattan-style building, and I like it! I did learn that I need to be a little more liberal with the Crazy Glue. A couple of pads didn't want to stick to the ground plane too well but it didn't matter. They're being held in place by the component leads anyway. I undertook the project not so much out of a wild desire to have a 15 mA rock-bound transmitter but for the fun and experience of trying Manhattan-style construction on a manageable scale. On that level, the project was very successful. Has anyone taken voltages around a working circuit? Maybe I can check it that way.

    72, David N2SMH

Made my first QSO with the SNAP this evening. Actually I called CQ with the Sierra running 3 watts and was answered by Don, W4HJL in Manassas, VA. After the initial exchange, I asked him to QRX, then called him with the SNAP.  He replied and said I was very, very weak, but he heard me. So gang, I'll stick around here and try CQing with both the Sierra and the SNAP. Please stop by and maybe we can make a go of it with the SNAP.

    73 de W3BBO

It's your basic flavor; learn to get it right and working the first time.  I didn't stray far from the stock plans, just wanted to put it in an enclosure and try it on the air. Funny, after getting done, I realized how much extra room there was on the stock board and what I would have done differently... well, maybe I'll just build another before the deadline. Tks agn for your effort putting these kits together,


Wow! Just got off the air after a contact with Jim VA3JEG in Woodbridge, Ontario.  My first DX with the SNAP rig. As usual I was calling CQ with the Sierra, only this time about 2 watts. Jim came back to me and he was extremely strong   and said he was running a Swan 350.  He was 599 plus here and gave my Sierra a 589.  I asked him to QRX and called him on the SNAP. Believe it or not, we finished the QSO with the SNAP.  Jim was very generous and gave me a 579 using the SNAP.   I am very, very impressed with the SNAP! I don't think it will usurp the K2, or even the Sierra, but for running a little under 20 mw....Wow!

    73 de Bob W3BBO

It's a good time tonight...  Made it to W3BBO on the SNAP , prob 20mw or less. Heard him through the fringes of QST code. Anyway Bob, hopefully you copied the RST sent, The repeat of my call was needed, you were real low of course.

    all best, Tom aa2vk

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